A reminder that there are no dogs allowed on school property even if they are on a leash.
There is no school on Friday, May 20 or Monday, May 23
Alien Inline is coming up! Please ensure that the permission form is returned and that the fee is paid online through your MyCBE account.
We are learning about "Los Insectos" in Spanish! We are learning:
polilla - moth
cucaracha - cockroach
mosquito - mosquito
oruga - caterpillar
mosca - fly
escarabjo - beetle
libelula - dragonfly
hormiga - ant
abeja - bee
escorpión - scorpion
saltamontes - grasshopper
lombriz - worm
In Math today, we started making our 3D shapes book! We started with "el cubo" (the cube) and learned words like vertice (vertex/vertice), arista (edge), and cara (face)