Parent Society News:

Parent Society Update

May 30th Update: We will be organizing a group purchase for  Orange Shirts  for National Day of Truth and Reconciliation on September 30. Pl...

Monday, February 28, 2022

Monday, February 28th

Tomorrow is Library day! Please bring back your library books to take out new ones! 

Please make sure to sign up for parent-teacher conferences!

"We are a box of crayons, each one of us UNIQUE. But when we get together, the picture is complete!" Today we talked about what makes us all unique and different. We each add a different, beautiful colour to the picture that is our class!

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Thursday, February 25th

Tomorrow is our celebration of 100 days of school! We will have some 100 days of school challenges and students are invited to dress up as though they are 100 years old if they would like to!๐Ÿ‘ต๐Ÿ‘ด

Today we made balloon letters for a kindness poster for our community helpers! We changed our magic word this week! It is now "cariรฑo" which means kindness in Spanish. We also listened to a book called "The Invisible Boy" and wrote about a time when we felt invisible. Click here if you would like to listen to the story!

Please remember to sign up for parent teacher conferences! ๐Ÿ˜€

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Wednesday, February 23rd

Happy Pink Shirt Day!๐Ÿ’– Today we took a whole class picture of us in all our pink shirt glory!

Today we continued working on our kindness cards for our community helpers! We also read a book called "You, Me and Empathy" which was about kindness and helping others. We learned the word empathy which means thinking about or considering how other people feel. Click here to listen to the story. And we also continued working on our arctic animal research. 

Today we also got to meet Seรฑorita Leis who will be taking over for Seรฑorita Bertolesi in March! ๐Ÿ˜

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Tuesday, February 22nd

Pink Shirt Day is February 23, 2022. Pink Shirt Day began in 2007 when a student in Nova Scotia was bullied for wearing a pink shirt to school. It has since been recognized annually worldwide as a day to stand against bullying.  Thank you to our Dalhousie Parent Society for designing a shirt to support this.

CONFERENCES: Save the date!  Our next round of virtual Parent Teacher conferences will be March 10 & 11.  Sign up will start March 3. Watch for the email coming out later this week.

PLEASE NOTE: Srta. Bertolesi will be on a brief leave, starting March 10, 2022. In her place, we are fortunate to have Srta. Leis  to take her place. We hope to see Srta. Bertolesi return shortly.  

As she will not be here for the scheduled time of conferences on March 10 & 11, you will be able to sign up for a time on either March 4 from 4pm-7pm or March 7 from 5pm-8pm.  Please take the opportunity to book a 15 minute conference through your PowerSchool account at   Bookings will open on February 23 at 10am and close on March 2 at 4pm.  After that time or if you have questions regarding making a booking, please call the office.

Today we started working on the kindness cards! We made 72 cards today (!!!!!!!!). We also learned that we will be making a diorama of the arctic animals we have been researching. It's going to be an exciting week!

Let me tell you about #TWOSDAY! (22-02-2022)

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Wednesday, February 16th

Today in our arctic animal research project, Srta. Bertolesi gave us a word bank of words we may need. We were looking in books (in both Spanish and English) to learn about our animals. Sometimes we have  to translate our notes from English into Spanish. It can be tricky but seรฑorita is very impressed with how well we are doing. Ask me to tell you about what I've learned about my animal!๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿป๐ŸฆŠ๐Ÿฆ‰๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿ‡❄❅❆

More rapid tests are being sent home today.

Reminder that there will be no school until next Tuesday, February 22nd, which will be a library day! Please bring your library books back next week! ๐Ÿ“š


Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Tuesday, February 15th

A reminder that cover contest entries must have correct spelling in Spanish and English! If you need help with the spelling (in either language), ask Seรฑorita Bertolesi!

Today we started researching about Arctic Animals in Spanish! In partners, we picked one animal and are working on reading about that animal in Spanish and taking notes in Spanish. Later, there will be an art part to this project :)

Today in Math we did an addition check-in to let Srta. know how we are doing in addition. In ELA, we are continuing to learn about letter writing. We listened to a story called "Dear Dragon" about a human boy named George Slair who is pen pals with a dragon named Blaise Dragomir! If you want to listen to the story, click here

Another reminder that there is no school on Thursday, Friday, or the following Monday (February 21st). Super duper long weekend!

Monday, February 14, 2022

Monday, February 14th


Tomorrow is library day! Please bring back your books to take out new ones!

A great update to the Yearbook Cover contest – the winning design will be sold as a T-Shirt by our Parent Society!  Please see the previous message for the parameters around design entries.  

A reminder that this week is a short week.  Teachers’ Convention is February 17 & 18 and February 21 is Family Day. There is no school for students on these three days.

Today we started learning about letter writing! We wrote each other kind letters. We learned that letters have 5 main elements: a heading(date), a greeting, a body, a closing and a signature.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Thursday, February 10th

Today we did power writing. Everybody did an excellent job writing, and it was "crazy fun!" Ask your child to tell you what they plan to make for dinner tonight! ๐Ÿ˜‹

Tomorrow we have a number art challenge! Thank you for bringing in your valentines cards today. We will distribute them on Monday ๐Ÿ’˜

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Wednesday, February 9th

As part of our social studies unit on Iqaluit, we are going to be researching arctic animals in Spanish! We are researching Las Ballenas (whales) ๐Ÿ‹ together and learning how to take notes. Later, we will all get to learn about different arctic animals. It whale be SO FUN!

February is Kindness Month! We are going to be making cards for our community helpers. You may get an email from Seรฑorita Bertolesi saying that your child has identified you as a community helper, and would you be willing to share some beautiful cards made by grade 2 students at your place of work ๐Ÿ’–

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Tuesday, February 8th

From our amazing Dalhousie Elementary School Parent Society - February is the month of love Let’s show the planet some love this week! Students are encouraged to bring reusable straws on Tuesday for their Booster Juice smoothies. Parents please email us at to let us know your child brought a reusable straw and include their name and classroom number or teacher before Friday, February 11th. The winner will be drawn on Valentine’s Day. 

A reminder that there will be no school on February 17 & 18 due to Teachers' Convention and Feb 21 due to Family Day.  

Our annual yearbook art contest will be starting up again. Your child's picture can reflect how s/he views themselves as a bilingual student, learning Spanish and English, benefits of learning and studying Spanish or what their future could hold with their bilingual abilities.  Our yearbook theme is What Makes Dalhousie Great! We are celebrating that we can go to school everyday to learn in person during a pandemic. We want to highlight how learning is fun and celebrate this.  Please use letter sized white paper (8.5 X 11) to draw and colour your picture. The picture needs to include our school’s name (Dalhousie), it can also include our school motto -Take care of yourself, Take care of each other, Take care of our school - Cuida de ti mismo, cuidense unos a otros, cuida de tu escuela.  On the back of your paper, please ensure that the student's name, teacher and grade are included.   Any questions can be directed to your child's teacher. Also, your child's teacher can support him/her to use correct Spanish grammar and spelling.   The submission deadline is March 10, 2022.   Thank you for supporting your child in their creativity and imagination.

Today we learned the difference between tattling and telling. We know that we will need a bit of practice before we get better at remembering these expectations. We listened to a story called "A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue." If you want to listen to the story, click here.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Monday, February 7th

Tomorrow is library day! Please bring back any library books you wish to return so you can take out new ones ๐Ÿ“š

Book order forms are going home today! You can use the class code RC514886! If you want to see the digital flyer, click here.

Today we did social studies. We filled in the 'wonder' section of our KWL chart on Iqaluit. We have some super great wonders about Iqaluit and the arctic! Let me tell you about them!

Friday, February 4, 2022

Friday, February 4th

Today we watched the olympic opening ceremonies! It was super fun and we got to watch it while we worked on our blending art! If you want to watch the winter olympics, you can stream them on CBC!๐Ÿ…

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Thursday, February 3rd

Today we were working on blending colours using pencil crayons. We are colouring mandalas!

We also started a new unit in Social Studies - Iqaluit! A lot of learned about Iqaluit last year, as well, so we started our KWL chart with a lot of Knows!

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Wednesday, February 2nd

Today we watched a live event where olympic cross country skier Beckie Scott, read us an indigenous story. She read "Go Show the World" by Wab Kinew. The story was about indigenous heroes and it said that we are all people who matter, so show the world what people who matter can do. 

Happy Groundhog Day! Let's hope the groundhog was wrong this year ๐Ÿ˜–

WE HAD A GREAT DAY TODAY! ๐ŸŽ†๐ŸŽ†๐ŸŽ†๐ŸŽ† (we are awesome)

Seรฑorita Bertolesi hopes you all remember that you matter and can make the world a better place ๐Ÿ’–

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Tuesday, February 1st

Happy Lunar New Year to all who celebrate it! May the Year of the Tiger be a lucky and prosperous one ๐Ÿ…

Beginning today, Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2022 at 8 a.m., schools will have the online report card enabled for viewing. After this occurs, legal guardians / independent students are welcome to view report cards online. You can also view the report card information through a list view. While it will look different from a report card, the list of indicators (K - Gr. 9) / marks (Gr. 10-12) and report card comments are all the same as what you will see on the online report card.


With Valentine’s Day coming up, we often get requests around what can be sent to school.  Students may want to share Valentine's Day Cards with their classmates. If this is the case, all cards must be brought to school by Thursday, February 10, so that they can quarantine before being handed out at the end of the day on Monday, February 14.  If Valentine’s cards are brought, it should be for every student in the class. We also ask that no food, candy or other gifts be sent with cards. No class lists can be shared with families, so should be addressed to amigos/amigas or names can be obtained from Google Classroom if needed.