Today we are taking home a lot of finished (and maybe some UN-finished) work! It is the last day of school before spring break! We will be back on Monday, March 28th!
Today was Crazy Sock Day!🧦
We made cards for the school receptionist because it was her last day! We will miss her!
We listened to a Spring Equinox Celebration with Kainai Elder Saa’kokoto. We heard a story about how Thunder wants to be appreciated as a gift because Thunder brings Spring rains. Then we went outside and did a sit spot for 5 minutes to open our senses and our minds and our hearts to the first signs of spring! We also did a sharing circle to share what we noticed during the sit spots! The official first day of spring is this Sunday, March 20th. How will you celebrate the equinox?
Happy Spring Break! 🌻🌦