Parent Society News:

Parent Society Update

May 30th Update: We will be organizing a group purchase for  Orange Shirts  for National Day of Truth and Reconciliation on September 30. Pl...

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Tuesday, February 8th

From our amazing Dalhousie Elementary School Parent Society - February is the month of love Let’s show the planet some love this week! Students are encouraged to bring reusable straws on Tuesday for their Booster Juice smoothies. Parents please email us at to let us know your child brought a reusable straw and include their name and classroom number or teacher before Friday, February 11th. The winner will be drawn on Valentine’s Day. 

A reminder that there will be no school on February 17 & 18 due to Teachers' Convention and Feb 21 due to Family Day.  

Our annual yearbook art contest will be starting up again. Your child's picture can reflect how s/he views themselves as a bilingual student, learning Spanish and English, benefits of learning and studying Spanish or what their future could hold with their bilingual abilities.  Our yearbook theme is What Makes Dalhousie Great! We are celebrating that we can go to school everyday to learn in person during a pandemic. We want to highlight how learning is fun and celebrate this.  Please use letter sized white paper (8.5 X 11) to draw and colour your picture. The picture needs to include our school’s name (Dalhousie), it can also include our school motto -Take care of yourself, Take care of each other, Take care of our school - Cuida de ti mismo, cuidense unos a otros, cuida de tu escuela.  On the back of your paper, please ensure that the student's name, teacher and grade are included.   Any questions can be directed to your child's teacher. Also, your child's teacher can support him/her to use correct Spanish grammar and spelling.   The submission deadline is March 10, 2022.   Thank you for supporting your child in their creativity and imagination.

Today we learned the difference between tattling and telling. We know that we will need a bit of practice before we get better at remembering these expectations. We listened to a story called "A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue." If you want to listen to the story, click here.