Parent Society News:

Parent Society Update

May 30th Update: We will be organizing a group purchase for  Orange Shirts  for National Day of Truth and Reconciliation on September 30. Pl...

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Tuesday, October 12th

With Halloween coming up, students are invited to wear costumes to school on Friday, October 29.  The costumes must be worn the whole day and must be appropriate for school environment meaning no violent or inappropriate content or messaging. Accessories such as swords, guns, knives etc. should not be brought to school.  COVID masks must still be worn. As a result, we ask that no other mask even if it’s a half face mask be worn to school.  Due to COVID guidelines and dietary restrictions, no food should be brought to school for sharing purposes.  Other non-food treats should also be not brought to school (goodie/loot bags)👻

The deadline to order school photos is October 15.  Retakes are scheduled for October 26 & 27.

Today we learned about digraphs! We looked at the digraphs ch, kn, ph, qu, sh, th, wh, wr and we brainstormed more digraph words. It was SO FUN!