Parent Society News:

Parent Society Update

May 30th Update: We will be organizing a group purchase for  Orange Shirts  for National Day of Truth and Reconciliation on September 30. Pl...

Monday, May 2, 2022

Monday,April 2nd

 Tuesday we will have indoor gym and library.

A reminder for indoor gym .We are practicing movement on mats: no earrings, no skirts , long hair must be tied for this week and the next one.

This week there will be a form coming home with your child called, the “Acknowledgement of Risk and Consent of Parent or Guardian” please sign this and return to school. This form is required in order for your child to participate in this activity.ALL students are required to have this signed in order to participate in Alien Inline skating. 

Safety and Protective Gear - Alien In-Line provides protective gear for each student (knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards, helmet).  Skates are provided too.

The deadline to purchase a 2021-22 Dalhousie yearbook is May 10, 2022 and can be done through your MyCBE account.


Dalhousie Parent Society Updates

We need volunteers for fun lunch! Please sign up on SignUp Genius if you would like to volunteer. 


On May 1,  we will begin a new 50/50 raffle in support of our playground. Check out the link and set a reminder to purchase your tickets! The last winner collected over $3000!


Dalhousie School shirts with the winning yearbook cover design are now on T-shirts and hoodies are available in youth and adult sizes. Please order by May 6 at midnight.