Today we learned about a new math centre we are going to be doing. We have addition questions all over the classroom. Black questions are addition without regrouping. Red questions are with regrouping and blue questions (like the one in the picture below) are challenge questions! They have more addends or sums greater than 100. During M.A.T.H. centres, we will get to find questions that feel appropriately challenging and work on solving them (showing our thinking, of course!)
Today we also started a graph to show the daily high and low temperature of Calgary and Buenos Aires!
Tomorrow is library day! Please return any library books if you want to take out new ones.
This is the time of year when we begin planning next school year’s organization, especially in terms of our enrollment and student population projections. Please indicate below whether or not you anticipate that your child/ren will attend Dalhousie School again next year. We realize that plans may change over time and would ask you to kindly let the office know in these cases, so that we may staff with accurate numbers. If you have more than one child at Dalhousie, please fill out one form for each child for current Kindergarten to Grade 4. A separate form will be sent out for students currently in Grade 5. Please have this form completed by January 28, 2022.
On Friday, January 21, we will have our Crazy Hair Spirit Day. Come to school with your best hair creations!